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Dragons of Socotra

Socotra, Yemen.

Camera : Sony A7rV

Lens : Sony 12-24 F2.8 GM

Tracker : Benro Polaris

Tripod : Really Right Stuff TVC 45

Head : Arca Swiss D4

Sky : 240secs F2.8 Iso 800

Foreground : 480secs F2.8 Iso 800 LLL LENR

Filters : Kani night filter


Aegon Targaryen and his sisters used the last three surviving dragons in the world to conquer and unify the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. The dragons eventually died out after nearly a century and a half, and the species was subsequently considered to be extinct. The Dragons of Socotra however have survived on this remote island, not in the form of reptiles but rather in the form of trees, namely the Dracaena Cinnabari. Native to the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean, the red sap which oozes from the trees gives it, its human name – The Dragon Blood Tree. The tree has a unique and strange appearance, with an upturned, densely packed crown having the shape of an uprightly held umbrella, and makes for a fine object to frame against the dark Bortle 1 skies of Socotra….

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