Telescope : AP Starfire 175
Camera : FLI Proline 16803
Mount : AP 1600 with Absolute Encoders
Focal length : 1400mm
Fov : 90 x 90 arcmins
Image Scale : 1.32 arcsec/pixel
Observatory : Deep Sky West, New Mexico
Filters: SHO
S 34x15m H 37x15m O 24x15m
Integration: 23h45m
RA : 6h 33m 45s
Dec : +4° 59′ 54″
The Rosette Nebula was named after the iconic flower design used in sculptural objects as the nebula’s appearance resembles that of a rosette in optical light. The nebula spans 130 light years across and has an angular size of 1.3 degrees. It is located 5,000 lightyears from Earth in the Monoceros constellation. It is much larger than the better known Orion Nebula, which is only about 24 light years across. Since the Orion Nebula is much closer to us at 1,344 light years it appears brighter than the Rosette.
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